GASTROSCOPYControl and prevention in Vienna

Gastroscopy is used to study symptoms on the esophagus, stomach or duodenum, ulcer diagnosis and cancer prevention. A scope (gastroscope) of approx. 5 mm width with a light source and a camera is advanced through the throat.

The camera images are reproduced on a monitor. This procedure allows us an accurate diagnosis to clarify gastro-esophageal symptoms or cancer prevention.

Gastroscopy is often performed as an out-patient treatment. No food should be taken 6 hours prior to the procedure. The procedure itself is painless, but may be easier with sedation or with a short anesthetic.

Short information
Duration of procedureapprox. 10-15 minutes
AnesthesiaSedation or short acting anesthetic possible
Sports possibleAfter 24 hours if sedation is used

Questions and answers on gastroscopy

When is gastroscopy done?

We do a gastroscopy if certain gastric/intestinal symptoms have to be clarified.

Which preparations have to be taken?

The procedure is done on an empty stomach. To enable an accurate diagnosis, the region of inspection should not contain ingested food. That is achieved with a fast of 6 – 8 hours prior to the procedure.

Is gastroscopy painful?

No. Gastroscopy may be unpleasant but generally involves little or no pain.

When may I eat and/or drink again?

If your throat has been anesthetized, you should neither eat nor drink for some hours after the procedure. Local anesthesia of the throat may involve a larger risk of choking.

When can I take up sports again?

If no sedation was used, sport activities can be resumed upon leaving the office. If you were given sedation, you should give your body a little rest that day.

How is gastroscopy done?
Gastroscopy is generally done as an out-patient procedure. A thin scope (gastroscope), equipped with light source and a camera, is advanced through the throat. Passing the esophagus, the gastroscope is then carefully steered within the stomach and into the duodenum. The camera therein transfers the images to the monitor. Tissue samples can be obtained when necessary.
How long is the procedure?
Usually the procedure lasts 10 – 15 minutes.
What risks are there?
Gastroscopy complications are rare. Most common is a slight feeling of numbness in the throat after the procedure and associated hoarseness. However, this goes away quickly. Very rarely a perforation on esophagus, stomach, duodenum or cardiac arrhythmia can occur.
May I drive after the procedure?
If sedation was used, you should not drive that day, we recommend a pick-up.

You have questions or require a consultation
on gastroscopy?

We are looking forward to your call. Please call +43-1-890 40 41 or
complete our contact form.


Doz. Dr. Arthur Bohdjalian
Kärntner Str. 7/4, 1010 Wien

+43-1-890 40 41


You may call us from Monday to Thursday between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. and on Friday between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m.

Note: No public health insurance


Siegel Darmkrebsvorsorge

Dr. Arthur Bohdjalian is a member of the Österreichische Gesellschaft für Chirurgie (ÖGC).