Legal Notice

Information obligation pursuant to the E-Commerce Act (ECG)

Name: Doz. Dr. Arthur Bohdjalian
Austrian professional title Specialist for surgery and visceral surgery
Office address: Kärntner Str. 7/4, 1010 Wien
Phone number: +43-1-890 40 41
Medical chamber: Member of the Medical Chamber of Vienna
Link to professional regulations Work pursuant to the Doctors‘ Act of 1998 (siehe


Doz. Dr. Arthur Bohdjalian
Kärntner Str. 7/4, 1010 Wien

+43-1-890 40 41


You may call us from Monday to Thursday between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. and on Friday between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m.

Note: No public health insurance


Siegel Darmkrebsvorsorge

Dr. Arthur Bohdjalian is a member of the Österreichische Gesellschaft für Chirurgie (ÖGC).